Saturday, August 24, 2013

Random fun & cuteness

For some reason I thought that we needed two new "tiny" pets when we came home from for each kid. Every kid needs a little tiny cute thing to help take care of, don't they? Or maybe mommy just needed something tiny and soft to take care of....well, regardless - we now have two new Sugar Gliders.

We had to drive to Tulsa to get them...someone from work had a friend who was giving them away, cage, toys, food and all. Blessings come in furry packages sometimes. So this was our first road trip as a family, we were in the car for about 5.5 hours that day and we tried to make it fun by stopping for rare treats and bringing lots of books and toys.
We finally got home around 1:00 am (oops, I had to work the next day. But who can wait for free sugar gliders? not me) Now we have Bianca and Bernard, who we cuddle with every day and get to feed peas and corn and meal worms to. Best pets ever...except when they crawl on my arm and pee on me. They love to cuddle in their felt pouch, and let you carry them around in it.

For other random fun...I set up pizza factories for the kids.

We like to go on long bike rides and then walk around and explore...and catch bugs and stuff, sometimes the random toad. Here's a grasshopper.

 Parking the bikes at the end of the to explore the construction site where they are widening our road.
Here's our mini pro foosball players in-training...maybe soon daddy will take them to a tournament!
The library is always fun, getting to pick out 10 books every Saturday and checking them out with their own library cards. She's not a bookworm like Monkey and me yet...but she will be soon, I can feel it.

The 2 month review

According to Hungarian adoption rules, we have to send back a report at 2 months and 12 months. Our social worker Sharon came a little early to write the 2 month report. She was here for about two hours and just had us recount our whole experience and how we all did during the whole thing, and how Princess was adjusting to us.

We also provided 10 pictures of us doing various things together. It would have been a lot easier to just send the Hungarian government a link to this blog, don'tcha think??  Ha.

Overall I think it went well. She's healthy, happy, and we all love her...I hope when the social workers back in Hungary read our report they feel good about placing her with us. I even think the foster family will get a copy of the report, and I hope that they see how happy she is and how well she is fitting in. I know if I were them I'd be glad to see an update on how she is doing...too bad I can't just send her pictures now and then, but I guess we aren't allowed to keep contact.

First Family Pics

We spent a fun day at the park with our friends, the Cravens, last weekend and they snapped some pretty cool pictures of us. You wouldn't believe how many shots they had to snap in order to get these 'good' ones though...there was always one of us that closed our eyes or didn't smile, lol.

I love how her little pig tails stick out on both sides on this last picture.

30 days home!!

So now we have been back home for about a month. We've had her first doctor appt, met both sets of grandparents and several sets of friends, been to the zoo, the library, the park, and shopping. Here's what we've learned:

1. Before we left we should have taken pictures of all the "places" we go during the week. Then we could have made a daily chart with pictures of what we were planning to do that day - it helps her to know what the plan is ahead of time so she knows what to expect. We just had to wing it, and mime a lot of stuff and explain things.

2. It helps her to have a couple of pictures of her foster parents and past life in her room, so she can pull them out once and a while to remember. It's sad because she tears up sometimes and nods her head when we ask "do you miss?" but it's good to be able to remember. I know this firsthand since I lost my mom at a young age...not talking about her was something a lot of people tried to do so they wouldn't upset me, but it just made it worse. So we just give her hugs and tell her it's ok to be sad.

3. Printing new pictures of our new family and showing them to Princess regularly helps her understand that we are making new memories together, and she always loves to go back through them.

4. There are a lot of things that she is behind in...but she's very smart and catches on to things very quickly. Doing chores, tying her shoes, riding a bike (with training wheels), learning letters and numbers in school are all new things, but with a little persistence and patience we've been able to see her make so much progress in the two months since she came into our family. She asks for a bike ride every night, and has gone from not being able to peddle or steer at all and not being strong enough to push the peddles, to doing it all by herself and going so fast I have to run next to her in two weeks!

5. She is growing so fast! She's gained probably 5 pounds, and grown a good 2 inches in the two months since we got her...maybe it's all the vitamins,  kale chips and avocado pudding we're eating? Whatever it is, she's already outgrowing some of the clothes that were just falling off of her they were so big 2 months ago. This is good!

6. Chocolate makes everything better. No matter who is sad, mad, glad, or bad that day, my black bean chocolate brownies, or chocolate avocado pudding, or vegan sugar free chocolate chip cookies always cheer everyone up! (yes, I'm tricking them into eating healthy food. It's all part of my evil plan...mwah ha ha...) "Chokee-ott" is her favorite thing in the world...especially when she gets to help me cook and gets to lick the spoon!

7. Fixing hair, doing nails, dressing in dresses and little sparkly shoes and sharing lip gloss is even more fun than I thought it would be! I love fixing her hair in new ways every day, and either she really likes it or she's really good at humoring me.

8. Daddy is definitely the favorite. Being silly, cuddling, tickling and hugging are his specialties...and they were just the ticket when it came to getting Princess to warm up to him. She gravitates toward him more often than me, and spends more time with him during the day now that I'm back at work. But I have my special things I do with her like bike rides, girly stuff as mentioned in #7, bubble baths, reading and art, and cooking - and we have bonded through those things at least a little bit.

9. Favorite game - animal charades. I made little cards with different animals on them, and we take turns picking a card and acting and making sounds of that animal to get someone else to guess. This was a hit with the kids, especially when Monkey got the "Sugar Glider" card, and he flew off the couch with 'wings' and came over and licked my hand. Talk about hilarious. Princess did a great job with "Cat" and "Dog" too, and couldn't get enough of the game.

10. It's still hard. We have a lot of fun, get along very well, have special things we do together, and are pretty much back to our normal routine. But we are still working on connection...which is something we were totally prepared for and are eager to continue earning. It's tough to not really be hugged back, for grandparents to be unsure about how to interact, to not get a reaction out of anything without prompting for it, and to wonder what she is thinking because she doesn't talk very much. But we love her like our own anyway, and we know that she is a precious child of God that deserves every bit of love and attention that we can give her anyway. Even if she doesn't show it yet, I believe that someday I will get that big bear hug and the genuine "I love you mommy" and it will all be worth it. :) She's still my little girl and I'm enjoying every minute of the challenge.

Grampa John & Gramma Tere

A couple weeks ago we were blessed with a short 2 day visit from Grampa John and Gramma Tere!  Grampa left the farm in South Dakota and Gramma hadn't started school yet, so they made the 12 hour trip down the middle of the country to see their new granddaughter.

We all went to the zoo one evening and saw some new animals. My favorite are the goats and the meerkats...

Then we went to Kobe's steakhouse for gramma's birthday. Everyone got shrimp thrown at their face, and I think grampa was the only one who actually caught it. Chopsticks and fire on the table (grill) were definitely new experiences for was really fun. Happy Birthday gramma!!

And of course we had to go swimming at their hotel. This was where Princess could really interact with gramma and grampa, and build some bonds with them. She loves the water, and had so much fun splashing around and racing with them! 

Oh, and we can't forget "THE PROJECT" that Grampa John did for us this time....every time he visits he has to do something productive for us, it's how he shows us love and we are very grateful for his talents (finishing our basement, building our deck and swings were some of his past projects). This time he picked up a trampoline for the kids at Sam's Club and put it together for us in our backyard! WOW, talk about the best gift ever. The whole family gets so much use out of that thing, and we get a good workout too! THANKS grampa and gramma!