Saturday, August 24, 2013

Random fun & cuteness

For some reason I thought that we needed two new "tiny" pets when we came home from for each kid. Every kid needs a little tiny cute thing to help take care of, don't they? Or maybe mommy just needed something tiny and soft to take care of....well, regardless - we now have two new Sugar Gliders.

We had to drive to Tulsa to get them...someone from work had a friend who was giving them away, cage, toys, food and all. Blessings come in furry packages sometimes. So this was our first road trip as a family, we were in the car for about 5.5 hours that day and we tried to make it fun by stopping for rare treats and bringing lots of books and toys.
We finally got home around 1:00 am (oops, I had to work the next day. But who can wait for free sugar gliders? not me) Now we have Bianca and Bernard, who we cuddle with every day and get to feed peas and corn and meal worms to. Best pets ever...except when they crawl on my arm and pee on me. They love to cuddle in their felt pouch, and let you carry them around in it.

For other random fun...I set up pizza factories for the kids.

We like to go on long bike rides and then walk around and explore...and catch bugs and stuff, sometimes the random toad. Here's a grasshopper.

 Parking the bikes at the end of the to explore the construction site where they are widening our road.
Here's our mini pro foosball players in-training...maybe soon daddy will take them to a tournament!
The library is always fun, getting to pick out 10 books every Saturday and checking them out with their own library cards. She's not a bookworm like Monkey and me yet...but she will be soon, I can feel it.

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