Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bringo Hinto & "The Soup Tour"

Desperate for something 'different' to do today...we decide to spring for a ride on the "four person peddly bicycle thingy" (Bringo Hinto). It reminds me of something Mary Poppins would get around in, and we just had to try it once while we were here. We plopped the kiddos in the front seat and paid about $6 for an hour of tooling around the town, peddling til our little legs couldn't take it anymore. A fun family outing, while getting some good cardio and leg workouts - what a deal! The kiddos had a blast, getting some good wind through their hair because Daddy can't just peddle leisurely and slow, he had to go as fast as he could the entire time...made it extra fun. 

At the edge of town we saw this guy working his field. We see horses and carts all over the place in the farms...only a few tractors. The guy was heaving bales all the way to the top of the wagon with a pitchfork. Bet he doesn't need P90x.

After that we were hungry, so we went to two different restaurants on a "Soup Tour". The first one was a round of Cream of Garlic soup for everyone to get us started, at an outdoor restaurant that we had tried before. Nestea "Baratz" (Peach) is our favorite drink...and how cute is Monkey as he adores his sister?

Then we hiked it over to our favorite "Szilfa Pub" to share a Mushroom Cappuccino soup (I think it's called that because it had a dollop of foamed milk on top), a bread-bowl goulash, and a cold strawberry soup. They were all AMAZING...and I think we're going back at least 3 more times in the next 7 days to each get the bread-bowl goulash, it was that good.
7 soups, 3 drinks and 4 full bellies for $20! 


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