Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Boredom is a gift

I saw this great quote today:
“I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.”
― Louis CK 

I think boredom is a wonderful thing. We have so much time here with nothing really to do, that it is tempting to get "bored"...and it's great. It's only then when we really are forced to get really creative. 

We had this little set of foam sticky bits that were part of a craft, and they have literally provided HOURS of fun. Back home, they wouldn't have been such a novelty because there are tons of other things to do. 

 Monkey made a chess set.
 We made wolverine claws, and had them stuck all over our faces at one point. Eyelids, we discovered, are the funniest places to put them. Feels funny when you peel them off too, which adds to the fun.

 Monkey also made a zoo, and some robots.
We had time to enjoy sunshiney rain. Isn't it cool when it does that?!
We went for another walk today, and explored some more little side streets we hadn't seen before. Tried out some new grocery stores...SPAR is my favorite now. Either nobody ever buys anything, or they pay a guy to constantly face the shelves, it looks so neat and organized in here. I actually saw a couple of GREEN veges in this store! Rare around here...although I have never seen Kale or Avacados anywhere, I wouldn't last long here without those.

We had to get another Pottyos Turi Rudi for Princess...and some "chokite" milk. Monkey was overjoyed that he found strawberry milk. The snacks didn't even make it out of the store before they were inhaled. Spandex lady beat us out the door. Don't forget your spandex pants if you ever travel here...apparently they are the staple clothing item. I may just paint my clothes on tomorrow so I can fit in.
More time to kill....we found a video store! We bought two videos for Princess, and to kind of have a souvenir of the language. But alas, our laptop isn't compatible. We'll have to find a Region 2 compatible player later in life. :(

Even more time to kill...played a little game balancing on the side blocks. Carrying home our groceries is always fun. See why we have to go to the store EVERY day? Can only get enough to carry in our 3 bags we have. Stuff spoils in a day here, so we'd have to go back anyway.
 Monkey's favorite spot - the CANDY booth. His eyes get wide like this whenever we pass...and once in a while we actually get a little something. Then I'm the best mommy ever.
Wine is extremely popular here...can get kegs of it on the street, or fancy-schmancy bottles...or at Tesco bottles for only $1.50!
Then we just sat around for a while...we do that a lot!
Princess started playing "Hol Vagyok?" (Where Am I?) which turned into a crazy giggling fest.

And as usual we swim and soak in the hot tub.

BOREDOM? We know no such word. :)

1 comment:

  1. You can buy a PC CD that is either windows or MAC compatible that will work with your laptop but not the videos or DVD's. Depending on where you live in the world, it is divided into regions. I'm sure you've learned since then that USA is region 1, Europe is 2, Southeast Asia is 3 and so on. or like you said you can purchases a local dvd or video player which in turn will be somewhat of a pain to use it in the US to convert the voltage ...ARGH, LOL...well unless there is a switch that lets you change the setting. blah blah...Can't wait to have you back.
