Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 5: Learning together...

She was happy to see us and eager to come with us today! We were dropped off in a marvelous park with walking paths, flowers, a lake with a bridge to an island, and little gazebos scattered around. We found a zip-line in the playground, and it seemed like she had never seen it before. She went from completely afraid of it and unable to do it, to doing it all by herself and brushing us off saying something like "et tehdu"...which we are guessing means "I can do it!" She did the same thing with a big long slide - acting afraid at first, but trying little by little with our help, until she was doing it "et tehdu". I take this as a good sign, that she is willing to try new things, and she learns fast! The same thing happened with this water fountain where the stream shoots over your head. Eventually with my coaxing she went through it a few times.
BONUS: we each got a kiss on the cheek from our little girl when we dropped her off in the afternoon! First kiss :)

Avery also had a good lesson in Hungarian, trying to play with some neighbor girls for the first time after we got home for the evening. It was our entertainment for the night watching them trying to figure out who was "it", and watching them teach each other how to count to 10 for Hide n Seek. He made such an effort to talk to them, and bring them a cup of water when he thought they were saying they were thirsty, and bringing his toys outside to play with.
We had our own little crash course when the repair guy came to fix the shower...and we had to mime the whole thing. The only word he knew in Angolul was "moment", and amazingly he used it in at least 3 different contexts. Ha!

By the way - we got WIFI today at the apartment!! Whoop!! YouTube and Facebook, here I come!

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