Monday, June 3, 2013

I could get used to this....

 We're really 'roughin' it here in Hungary. The weather is a perfect 21.11 degrees celsius (70F), we woke up at 11am just cuz we could...then ate breakfast and checked emails on the veranda (I've always wanted to say that!), rode the scooter around a few times, walked around to the front of the building to the little bar/cafe (which conveniently has a foosball table for Mr. Foosball himself) to get a Cappuccino for only 280 Forints (about $1.25).

 Here's the one "hardship" we are enduring, and poor, poor us for having to go through this. As you know we both work out at the gym about 6 days a week and lift weights...and as we were driving around yesterday to Tesco (like Wal-Mart, a grocery store, and a strip mall all in one) we found a gym! Imagine our excitement at finding a gym within running distance from our apartment! We could take turns and get our workouts in every day, and oh how perfect this is! Let's go in and buy a monthly membership! ....smiles and high-fives, and 'sweet!' can be heard under our breath as we walk up the stairs. What a great find!  ....wait, there's a sign on the door. Rita reads the Hungarian to us, it says "gone out of business as of June 1" (that was yesterday).   Yesterday?  Extreme Fitness fail.

Here's the funny part though. We looked it up online and translated their slogan. It said in big bold letters across the top of the webpage "The Place Where Large Be".   LOL.

Well if that's the worst thing we have to endure, so be it! I'll lift soup cans and hubby can lift me over his head for all I care. Let's go sit in the sauna.

*****TESCO TIP*******
Bring your own bags! They also have ALDI here, so I'm used to bringing my own bags and paying a coin to get a cart loose...but it seems most places are like that here. Good thing we brought a stash of Wal-Mart bags. Yeah, we're feelin pretty savvy now!  And I felt like a real high roller paying 25,000 Forints for groceries. Sounds like a lot! Cheaper than groceries back home for a full cart full though. The best part of the store was trying to tell the deli lady what we wanted. :)  Good 'ole Google translate gave us just the right words, and we walked out of there with exactly what we wanted. Score! Rita told us afterward though that instead of asking the lady to buy some meat, hubby told her "You are a turkey or a ham".   I thought I saw a little smile on the deli lady's face as she cut off that slab of meat.

Check out this luscious crusty Hungarian bread aisle. It doesn't even need a bag, because the crusty hard outside keeps it fresh. The boy can't get enough of this stuff! At least every 2 hours he asks me if he can have more bread. Costs less than a dollar for a huge 2 year-old baby sized loaf!

Tomorrow we get down to business - meet our daughter for the first time!


  1. Hungary sounds wonderful!!! Does it smell? I'll never forget the smell the last time I visited relatives in Germany - it was in August and the smell was terrible. The beauty and history made up for it though. BTW - the comment your husband made to the deli lady had me laughing out loud!!!

  2. Hello Friends! We were out of town last week, and I was finally able to sit down and read about your trip. It sounds as if things are going great! Your living quarters look wonderful - even without a gym nearby. ;) So, how do those drinks compare to Café Pur? Can't wait to hear about your meeting with Gianna. I remember those "first" meetings! Love you all, and you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers! Lori

  3. Looking forward to tomorrow's update!

    - Kim Cord :)

  4. Sounds so awesome! Glad you guys are enjoying yourselves...I'm excited for tomorrow for you all! <3

  5. Hahaha You are a turkey or a ham...that gave Jesse and I quite a laugh. Good luck with the workouts and the limited internet. So happy for you guys!

  6. So fun! Thanks for the great updates!
