Tuesday, June 11, 2013

School started today

We are homeschoolers...so we wanted to introduce this concept to her right away. Our school is in session year-round, and well, we are just always learning!

Today we had school for the first time with her. I have NO clue what she knows already, and what she doesn't - so let's just call today our Placement Test day. We sang the alphabet song a few times (I brought a CD with kid songs, and that was one of them) as a family, pointing along with the alphabet I wrote down. Then I practiced writing the letters with her. Her letters are the pink ones. Then we did colors - she made the colored circle and I labeled them as she repeated the name.
Then for numbers we all played Diego Chutes and Ladders. She got pretty good at the English numbers.
Then we had quiet reading time for 30 minutes...just to see how that would go. I mimed "book" and "shhh" and she got out her coloring book and we all sat at the table quietly the whole time. Until Daddy rang the doorbell when he got home from the gym, and we all literally jumped out of our chairs because it was so loud.
We also jumped in the pool for the first time. Placement Test for home swimming lessons. She likes being in the water, but is a little afraid of it and obviously can't swim. How handy that we have a pool right outside our door for 29 more days! She liked the hot tub better than the pool, it still isn't QUITE warm enough to be in the pool too long.  She kept copying the boy when he went under water, and sticking her face in. He loves being under water with these silly goggles.
She continues to be the organization princess...today she organized the individual red and white pieces in the battleship game, and covered the whole 'ocean' with a pattern before evenly distributing the leftover pieces on each side of the container. (!)

She made her bed without even me mentioning it this morning (which inspired the boy to do it to...MWAH HA HA....this is working out perfectly!)

She cleans and organizes wherever she goes...I'm still convinced she's the cutest thing ever. She is still warming up to daddy's abundant affection though. He's holding back quite a bit, as she shies away a little when he gets to 'tickly' and 'huggy'...but today she let him carry her on his shoulders on the way home from the park (recess). 

He got to put her to bed tonight...and he's asleep next to her right now, after he sang to her and cuddled with her they fell asleep. He's LOVIN this, and he is completely wrapped around her finger.

GRAMPA JOHN note: She LOVES ketchup, so she fits in perfectly with the Froelich clan. She eats it plain if there is any left over on her plate, then she licks the plate clean. I'll email a picture to you.


  1. Sounds like she's really quick and eager to learn! That's good! Hopefully she'll remember Hungarian..or whatever it is they call it, as well. Is she left handed? How fun! Can't wait to meet her!

  2. : ) thx for the smile guys v
