Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lunch date!

Monkey always says this quote, not sure where he saw it but it's very true: "He who finds a friend finds a treasure". We have found some treasures.

We are stuck for 6 weeks on the other side of the world with only sporadic digital access to friends and family...amidst people who look at us with a raised eyebrow when we speak to them because they don't understand "Angolul" can get a bit lonely. 

How cool that I ran across another family's blog online before we left for our trip - they were adopting from Hungary too! I got in touch via email, and it turns out we were going to be here at the same time. And we are adopting from the same agency! AND we'll be staying at the same apartment! Talk about coincidences x 12. They are the Montreys, adopting 4 sibling girls to complete their family of 10. 

We talk by the pool sometimes, and meet at the park once in a while...keeping in touch via Facebook messaging. Today we coordinated a lunch date at their apartment, a 20 second walk from our place. They brought the rotisserie chickens from the food truck down by the market (we joke about how the lady gives us such weird looks when we go there and buy 3 chickens at a time, then come again the next day to buy 3 more...guess that's a little out of the norm here). I made deviled eggs (Monkey makes me call them Angel Eggs though) and we attacked four bags of chips and some peach Nestea. There were 5 Hungarian girls and two American kids around the table, and the adults snuck out onto the patio table. 

We played some Disney movies in Hungarian that we had bought here, and the American kids watched a movie on the laptop...and all the little girls ran around putting stickers on stuff, getting tickled, sneaking spoons, playing with dolls on sticks, getting in trouble for jumping on the couch, trying to dive off the deck, coming up to talk to me and me just 'smiling and nodding' because I couldn't understand a word, and gravitating toward Daddy because he just can't resist playing with little kids. At one point he was completely surrounded by three of them, and Princess got a little jealous (this is GOOD!) and hopped right up onto his lap and put her arm around his neck possessively so everyone would know "this is my Apa". 

We had some good conversation with Brian and Michelle, sharing stories and plans, and discovering how congruent our lives are. We are like a mirror couple almost...they just have lots more kids than us :). I hope we can keep in touch in the future, and keep up with how our girls are doing. 

We snapped a quick picture before we went up for lunch to take this little bouquet of orange geraniums to the Montreys. The one with both of our faces is even better. Two more weeks and I can switch out the picture!

Update: I'm actually kind of grieving over the silly cat that we catnapped last night. I was secretly hoping all day that he would come back for another 4 hours of cuddle time...but alas, my little treats and water bowl outside the doggy door went untouched, and no little nose pushed its way in to our apartment today. Going through kitten withdrawals. I have to post one more pic, he was just way too cute. And sleepy.
Princess kept asking all day "Hol van matskababa?" (where is the baby cat?) I guess she misses him too. Okay, just one more pic. The cuteness factor was absolutely ridiculous...he just couldn't get enough love, and I could hardly handle it.


1 comment:

  1. We most definitely have to keep in touch. And remember, we're celebrating Barbie's and Chris's birthdays in Budapest soon! :) You guys are the best. Xxoo
