Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'm hungry!

At the bus station we saw little mud bird nests in almost every corner of the outdoor 'ceiling'...and how nice of them, they made little ledges underneath each one in case the babies would fall out. 

This one had three little bitty baby birdies poking their heads out and "cheaping" as if they were hungry and waiting for a meal. It was nice entertainment as we waited for the bus to Tesco.
The "cheaping" for food is strangely familiar to how the two kiddos are always saying "I'm hungry!!" waiting for me to place a morsel of food in front them them so they can wolf it down. I'm pretty sure there are some growing spurts going on here. We eat at least every 3 hours...we eat all the time it feels like.

Tonight after a nighttime swim and showers and pj's, I peeled some oranges, and sprinkled a bunch of cherries and peanuts on a plate...and had to pull my arm back quickly after I sat it on the counter for them, kind of like throwing in a steak in a lion's den. Watch out or your arm might get taken off. They're like a couple of ravenous hyenas. The plate was licked clean in less than 2.5 minutes. Five minutes later I heard again "I'm hungry"..."I'm hungry"...I hear that in my dreams now. 
Progress: Princess took a shower, dried off, got dressed, and combed her hair all by herself tonight. She acted pretty proud of herself, it was pretty cute. And she kept the shower door SHUT the whole time, yey!


  1. Nice progress with the showers. Is the heat debilitating? Cuz heat sure can be. Maybe that's why the kids are so hungry? All the heat is helping burn calories and making their little bodies metabolize quicker? Heck, I don't know - I don't even know if any of that's possible.

  2. It is pretty darn hot...just 90's with humidity. We stay inside, and are lucky to have AC. Some other apartments here don't have it. :( I think they are hungry mostly because they are bored and growing! Ha
